
Inhale & Exhale and repeat 吸气,呼气,再来一遍

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“Inhale, Exhale and repeat……”, are you familiar this Yoga instruction? I love Yoga and feeling the power of meditation; the chants through breath; body and soul. Especially the breathing exercises inhale and exhale, inhale the present and exhale the past, inhale  love and exhale  hate, inhale confidence and exhale doubt , inhale calm and exhale stress.

“吸气,呼气,再来一遍……”, 您也许很熟悉这个瑜伽口令吧。我喜欢瑜伽, 喜欢感受冥想带来的力量; 喜欢如歌如诗般的呼吸气法。尤其是在练习呼吸的时候,慢慢地吸气,又缓缓地吐气,您是否感受到那些神奇的瞬间:吸进去的是爱,呼出去的便是恨;吸进去的是现在,呼出去的便已成往事;吸进去的是信心,便把疑惑吐出来;吸进去的是宁静,便把压力释然了。

True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming.


It states that our “true nature” goes far beyond the limits of the human mind; Yoga aims to transform body and mind, physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.

我们的“真性情”远远超出了人类心灵的极限; 瑜伽的目的是让您的身体、心灵和精神相互渗透而达到完美, 如此美好而深远的目标,真正的瑜伽必定为此而为您实现自己的升华。

So let’s love Yoga,  inhale, exhale and repeat all throughout your life. And follow me to imagine how wonderful rendezvous is to do Yoga at the Antigua half moon bay beach where our Antigua passport program apply to.


Angela Bi

Angela Bi is an international citizen who has lived both in Shanghai and Vancouver Canada. She’s worked in immigration for over a decade and has experienced first hand the joys of living overseas.

Angela Bi 是生活在中国上海及加拿大温哥华两地的世界公民。她从事专业移民行业已有十余载,并掌握着旅居海外的一手乐活体验。


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