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STEAM意即Science科学,Technology技术,Engineering工程,Arts艺术和Mathematics数学。利用一种基于项目学习 (PBL) 的方法来教授科学,技术和创新创造力,并被许多人认为是开发未来工程师,设计师和创新者的关键。具体来说,STEAM教育更提倡的是一种新的教学方式:让学生们自己动手完成他们感兴趣的、并且和生活相关的项目,从过程中运用冒险精神、实验能力和创意解决问题的能力。STEAM教育不是在桌椅整齐的教室上课,而是在充满木板、锉刀、画笔、电线、电路板、芯片、3D打印机、以及各种各样教育科技产品的实验室里。




这个活动进一步含盖包括虚拟现实,人工智能在教育方面的应用,以及如何在学校推广STREAM教育。一共有60所学校参加,目的是彼此交换意见探讨如何在学校开设STEAM课程,帮助学生们为21世纪的挑战做好准备。此次会议也邀请了教育界中的巨擘Kevin Kelly, Georgette Yakman,David Chavez等人演讲,我很兴奋地看到一位来自以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学的NaftalyTishbi教授,分享人工智能在教育领域中的结合案例,代表以色列在教育方面的发展已经受到国际肯定。

Naftaly Tishbi教授关于人工智能的演讲




China STEAM education is taking off

The STEAM education has been taking root over the pastseveral years globally and is surging forward as a positive mode of action totruly meet the needs of a 21st century. Just right after Chinese Ministry of Education released the "China STEAM Education Development Report" on March 1, 2017. On March 24-25, I attended the China Conference in Beijing, arranged by the Chinese Society of Education. The conference was also the Inauguration of the CSE Alliance of Science-Technology Innovation Education – ASTIE.

STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art andMathematics is a Project Based Learning (PBL) approach to teaching science,technology and innovation-creativity and considered by many as the key todevelop the future engineers, designers and innovators. Specifically, STEAM is an educational approach to let students take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process. STEAM classes are not in the traditional classroom with chairs and desks, but in a laboratory full of wood, brush, wire,circuit board, chip, 3D printer and variety of educational technology products.


I attended the meeting as part of the delegation of High School Attached to Northeast Normal University High School, where my company,IDEAHUB, has a cooperation to develop a maker-creativity lab where we train students and teachers in creativity and technology – STEAM.

The conference included several high-level speakers like –Kevin Kelly, Georgette Yakman, David Chavez and others. I was very happy to see an Israeli speaker - Prof. Naftaly Tishbi from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem who gave an exciting talk on Artificial Intelligence and its use ineducation. It shows the Israel's development in education has been internationally recognized. The subjects in the conference included also Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and in general – how do you promote STEAM atschools. 60 schools attended the conference with the aim of developing STEAM subjects in their school to have students prepared for the 21st century challenges.

I especially enjoyed the TED talks given by teachers and students from 4 leading schools – High School Attached to Northeast Normal University, High School Affiliated to Renmin University, High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University and High School Affiliated to Shanghai JiaoTong University.  Students and teachers were very impressive talking about their STEAM programs and about how their lives are affected by these programs. 

The challenge will be how to make these programs part of thereal curriculum of these schools available to all students constantly. I was proud to be mentioned as part of High School Attached to Northeast Normal University High School STEAM initiative. I am also happy to see there are so many partners who willing to devoted to Education in China, I am sure we will enjoy the fruitful outcome in nearly future.


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